Enhancing the transparency of income tax exemptions for not-for-profits
Topics Carlie Clark Topics Carlie Clark

Enhancing the transparency of income tax exemptions for not-for-profits

In the 2021-22 Budget the Government announced changes to the administration of NFPs that self-assess as income tax exempt. From 1 July 2023, NFPs with an active ABN will submit an online annual self-review form with the information they ordinarily use to self-assess their eligibility for the exemption. The ATO will work closely with the sector in the implementation of this measure.

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Fill Your Not-For-Profit Reporting Gaps Webinar
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Fill Your Not-For-Profit Reporting Gaps Webinar

With limited IT resources and far too many manual accounting processes, finance teams utilise traditional reporting that only provides backward-looking information about the prior month, quarter, or year. However, executives need real-time reporting that can be customised by role, program, location, funding source, and more.

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STP expansion (Phase 2) date announced
Topics Carlie Clark Topics Carlie Clark

STP expansion (Phase 2) date announced

In the 2019-2020 Budget it was announced that the data collected through Single Touch Payroll (STP) will be expanded. This expansion of STP data reduces the reporting burden for employers who need to report information about their employees to multiple government agencies and supports the administration of the social security system.

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The ATO’s Support For Not-For-Profits
Topics Carlie Clark Topics Carlie Clark

The ATO’s Support For Not-For-Profits

Watch this brief video by Jennifer Moltisanti, Assistant Commissioner, Australian Taxation Office, to find out about the range of tools and services the ATO offers to help not-for-profits whether starting up, running a not-for-profit or changing your organisation. Let the ATO help you to meet your tax and super obligations.

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Launch of Sage Intacct – The Changing Role of the CFO
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Launch of Sage Intacct – The Changing Role of the CFO

The nature of the CFO role in business in Australia is changing due to the digitalisation of business and industry. Kerry Agiasotis, Executive Vice President of Sage Asia Pacific and Managing Director of Sage Australia, introduces the 2019 launch of Sage Intacct in Australia and shares highlights of research by Edelman Research and what this means for the CFO role.

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